Fertility Hypnotherapy
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Hypnotherapy For Fertility

How can hypnotherapy help with fertility?

Any of you who are struggling with fertility or infertility know it is a rollercoaster of every emotion available to us as humans, from anger to elation, from grief to hope & everything in between.

Fertility Hypnotherapy can help you navigate all of those emotions & equip yourself with a resilient mindset ready for anything the journey has to throw at you next

But more than that – Hypnotherapy can help you clear some of the blocks that may have been holding your fertlity journey for longer than necessary

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Hypnotherapy for fertility can help you to:​

Shift Limitations Of Fear

Fear of pregnancy, miscarriage, childbirth, relationships changing, your own emotions, medical diagnosis – even fear of needles if you are going through IVF

Process Grief

(in)fertility is frought with loss, whether that be miscarriage, a failed IVF cycle, loss of relationships with others or with yourself, or the grief of each egg lost with every month that passes

Heal Your Body

Hypno healing is a very powerful & effective tool to support your body to heal itself. Whether it be PCOS, Endometriosis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, polyps, hydrosalpinx, any of the other conditions you may be faced with or even unexplained fertility – your body has a state of health which it has forgotten & through hypno healing, we can support it to remember & get back to that state. 

If you have a broken arm is it the Dr, the pot, the rest, the nutrition or the medication that heals the bone? No, it’s the body that heals itself. We just give it  the right environment in which to do that healing. Hypnotherapy can help with this because it’s the mind which instructs the body how to function, so the optimum environment for healing begins in the mind.

The subconscious mind works in metaphor & imagination, so hypno healing sessions can be more fun than you think – you can let your imagination run wild & your subconscious will understand what you mean & will get to work on the healing  process.

Manifest Your Baby into Your Life

The phrase ‘where focus goes energy flows’ can be a hard thing to hear when you have been struggling with (in)fertility. The concept that you manifest all your life experiences can seem crazy – offensive even! Because you never asked for this & absolutely don’t deserve to be going through any of it. But, what if you can have some influence over what happens next? The subconscious works through imagination & acts upon whatever you are feeling. 

It doesn’t know the difference between imagined feelings or feelings stemming from reality (how many times have you worked yourself into a frenzy in your mind having an imaginary argument with someone?) Like attracts like, so if you are feeling joy, your subconscious will seek out more joy to match that.

Likewise if you are feeling sadness it will seek sadness. Notice what you feel when you think about wanting your baby – Is it joy & excitement? Or emptiness, frustration, injustice, anger, grief…?  My guess it is more likely the latter. Those emotions can feel impossible to shake!

So the emptier you feel as you long for your baby, the more emptiness your subconscious seeks out for you, as it’s job is to give you more of what it thinks you want – in this case not the baby, but the feeling of emptiness.It’s a vicious circle.
In fact for me that vicious circle manifested in divorce, years of self-destruction & PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder). What has yours manifested for you so far?

Fertility Hypnotherapy can help you break free from that complicated grief & feel into a life free of those chronic hurt feelings. It can help you vision yourself with a baby – something which may seem hard to imagine now, as you see everyone else around you living your dream of motherhood as you sit on the sidelines wondering if it’ll ever happen for you. 

Using hypnotherapy, we can create within you all the feelings you will feel when you finally have your baby in your arms – the love, the joy, the wonder, the elation – & in practicing these feelings as often as you can – you will be telling your subconscious very powerfully that it is these feelings you want more of it will draw those experiences to you. It is a combination of all of the above that makes hypnotherapy for fertility so effective & so powerful. Combine those with Fertility Yoga & you have a recipe for success!